5 Episodes
Join Frances the beloved, fun loving preschooler as she invents new songs, enjoys imaginative advent... Read More


5 Episodes
Bread and Jam for Frances
The family sit down for a boiled egg breakfast, except Frances, who prefers to have bread and jam. She insists that bread and jam is all that she'll ever need to eat.
A Disaster for Frances
When Albert accidentally breaks Frances' ceramic fish, she is very upset and can't forgive him. Eventually, she realises that a broken fish isn't worth a broken friendship.
A Whiny Sister for Frances
Gloria has flu. Frances thinks they should still go to Lizardland, without Gloria. But when Gloria whines for Frances, she realises that she needs her big sister to feel better.
A Cupcake for Frances
Mum makes cupcakes for the guests at Frances' paino recital. When Albert plays a complicated piece of music on the piano, Frances is jealous and eats his cupcake.
Bedtime for Frances
Frances does everything to delay going to sleep, until she sings nice songs and falls asleep. In the morning, everyone is proud of her for going to sleep by herself in her own bed.