Timmy Brings a Smile
Apricot has brought her favourite blanket to the nursery and she won't let it go! When she briefly puts it down the other animals mistake it for a rag which they use to clean up.
Timmy's Mask
Timmy and his friends all make animal masks to wear. Timmy makes a dinosaur mask, and won't take it off until it's time to play football.
Timmy's Spring Surprise
It's gardening time at the Nursery. Harriet hands out seeds to Timmy and his friends and shows them all how to grow plants. Everyone grows healthy green plants except for Timmy!
Timmy Learns Magic
Timmy is thrilled when he sees Osbourne practicing a conjuring act. Convinced he can do magic too, Timmy tries to impress his friends – but none of the tricks seem to work.
Sticky Timmy
Harriet shows Timmy and his friends how to make a collage. But Timmy gets glue all over himself and soon the items that the classmates have collected are stuck all over his fleece.
Timmy Gets Spooked
It's Halloween and Timmy and his friends are having lots of spooky fun. Timmy and Finlay are playing tricks on their friends, until they hear some scary noises in the Outhouse.
Sweet Dreams Timmy
It's Nap Time, but Timmy is too excited to sleep. While his friends snooze Timmy wants to play, and spends the rest of the day trying not to drop off and won't admit he's tired.
Timmy Learns to Fly
When he sees Otus flutter up to get a kite down from a tree, Timmy is very impressed. Determined to fly himself, he gets Otus to show him how it's done.
Timmy Finds Treasure
Timmy and his friends are playing pirates. Timmy is Captain and leads his chums on a treasure hunt. But when they find the X that marks the spot, there's a big surprise in store.
Timmy the Postman
It's Valentine's Day and Harriet shows the class how to make cards for their best friends. Timmy volunteers to be postman, but in his enthusiasm he loses everything from his bag.