39 Episodes
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26 Episodes
The Bothersome Bird
When a noisy songbird keeps interrupting their puppet show rehearsal, the WellieWishers soon discover that the bird is protecting a nest of eggs close to their playhouse.
Little Tree
When the girls decide to relocate a little tree languishing from lack of sun, it triggers Camille’s memories about leaving home.
The girls convince Kendall to help them build a snow playhouse for the animals by promising they'll work fast to beat an incoming storm.
Copy Cat
When the girls use face paint to become their favorite animals and Emerson’s cat upstages Willa’s, Willa’s jealousy threatens to spoil the fun…
Butterfly Ballet
The girls prepare special wings and dances to welcome some new butterflies. But when Willa’s wings get muddy and broken, she’s too disappointed to participate…
Glowing in the Dark
When Ashlyn plans a garden walk to enjoy the fireflies at night, Ashlyn and Emerson are forced to admit their fear of the dark.
I Do, You Do, Hair Do
When Ashlyn sets out to give Camille a new hairdo and things go impossibly wrong, the girls work together to fix it, only to make things worse.
Now You See It, Now You Don't
When the girls’ things go missing and clues point to Camille, instead of a mischievous Gopher, the girls learn a lesson about not jumping to conclusions…
It Takes Two to See-Saw
Kendall breaks from the group to build a see-saw ‘her way’. When she gets stuck high up on the see-saw, she relies on the others to help her down and apologizes for being bossy.
Coloriffic Scavenger Hunt
Ashlyn plans a scavenger hunt where each of the Wellies find things of a chosen color but is frustrated when she can’t find anything orange in the garden.
Ashlyn's Tall Tale
Ashlyn makes up a story about a rare animal in the garden. As the girls search, her animal description grows until the girls are so fearful they plan to flee the garden for good.
Anything for a Laugh
Emerson learns that there is a fine line between funny and hurtful when she tries mastering impersonations of her friends.
The Rainmakers
The girls take part in Camille's rain dance, which gets progressively wackier as the day progresses. But it's friendship, not magic, that produces a 'rain shower' in the end.
Kendall Rules the Roost
Kendall gets carried away with a sense of authority when she makes and enforces a host of garden rules, ruining everyone’s fun.
All Time Favorites
The girls create a time capsule including some of their favorite things and then discover one left by five little girls, a long time ago.
Out of Line
When Ashlyn and Emerson’s refusal to compromise comes to a head, Ashlyn draws a dividing line down the middle of the Playhouse.
Camille's Poem
Camille is frustrated that she’s not good at something like the other girls, until her friends help her see she has a gift for rhyming.
Honking in a Winter Wonderland
Willa is sad for not saying goodbye to migrating Mrs. Honk. The girls try to cheer her up by casting her as Snow Princess in their winter show.
All's Wellie that Ends Wellie
Emerson is convinced she won’t be able to sing well when she loses her lucky wellies. Not wanting to cancel their concert, the girls create lookalike wellies and the show goes on.
Duck Duck, Oops!
The Wellies are delighted to discover a young duck in the garden and help him feel at home. But when “Quackers” creates chaos, they realize he would be happier with other ducks.
Truth or Hare
After competitive Ashlyn accidentally breaks the latch on Carrot’s hutch, Carrot’s disappearance causes Willa to believe he was stolen.
Honey I Spoiled the Bunny
The Wellies plan a special day for Carrot to celebrate the day he came to live with them, but are baffled when he doesn’t seem to enjoy any of their kid-friendly activities.
Owie Zowie
When Emerson fakes being injured to get attention, the girls go out of their way to take care of her.
The Party that Blew Away
Ashlyn plans a perfect Fall Fiesta for the Wellies to enjoy. When the wind kicks up blowing away napkins, steamers, balloons and decorations, she thinks everything is ruined…
Mighty Girl
Emerson ruins the girls' superhero game and picnic by refusing to give up her annoying persona of the all-powerful Mighty Girl.
The Importance of Being Ashlyn
Ashlyn and Camille put their different styles of garden party to the test - Ashlyn’s unbreakable rules of etiquette versus Camille’s ‘go with the flow’ approach.
13 Episodes
For the Love of It
When Emerson discovers Kendall is a brilliant keyboard player, she becomes fixated on making her a “superstar”.
Camping Catastrophe
Ashlyn tries to help the girls plan for a camp-out in the garden, but the others brush off her meticulous leadership as bossiness and arrive totally unprepared.
Cocoa Celebration
When Ashlyn starts a Cocoa Stand, she learns it's okay if things don't go "perfectly perfect".
Willa, Camille and Ashlyn decide to film an animal documentary. When Willa struggles to identify the clues, the girls go in search for the mysterious Bearfoot…
Snail Race
The girls split into teams to have a Snail Race. What starts as a fun activity turns very competitive as everyone starts taking the silly game way too seriously.
Ants In My Plants
On a cold day, the girls rediscover the greenhouse and take advantage of "instant summer".
Wishing Wellies
Emerson wishes for a pony and it seems to come true - the problem is she was supposed to wait and share the wish with the others.
Kendall and Camille discover they’re a lot alike, but their decision to become instant “BFFs” backfires when Kendall feels smothered by Camille.
Garden Party
After deciding to throw a birthday party for the Old Tree, the girls all have different ideas for how to celebrate and give back to it.
Outfox the Fox
Camille has to beat her tendency to get distracted when rescuing three chickens who have flown the coop.
You Can't Handle the Tooth
When Emerson discovers that she’s the only one of her friends who hasn’t lost a tooth, she enlists Willa’s help to speed up the process.
Muddy Buddies
Willa comes up with a "Tough Mudders" obstacle course competition to be played by two teams. But when Camille loses one of her wellies, she has to drop out.
Team Mystery
Ashlyn throws a "Mystery Party" and when the girls arrive, they find that the "mystery" is - Ashlyn is missing!